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Let me save you time and dollars

Email marketing is artisan work and powerfully effective. Highly cost-effective with a terrific ROI, it’s the wave to ride in 2024-25. Choosing the right email platform for you, and working with a top-shelf digital marketing professional has never been easier.

I deliver performance emails
THAT PEOPLE READ! My open rate is 43-60%.

Email is the hub of your business. Where would you be without it?
Jump on First-Party connections (and hug tight) for the LONG TERM!

Google reverses deprecation of third-party cookies

However, your marketing strategy should still prioritize first-party data. Though Google is in rewind, they plan an “optional” cookie method for consumers to be announced. 

Your marketing strategy should remain to target and retain your First-party contacts.

Get on board with me to build and retain client connections to:

  • Focus your news to those THAT CARE
  • Raise your Google profile with consistency
  • Replace costly display ads with long-term (email marketing) value
  • Easily share content across diverse platforms (repurpose)
  • Remind customers why YOU are the better choice

Did you know Email Marketing is highly effective today? Here’s what Forbes says ↓↓ below: 

How email marketing grows your business:

  • It’s the leading and lowest cost-effective medium for brand-to-client loyalty
  • Enhances client retention and future sales
  • Offers diverse information and numerous CTAs
  • Promotes your service or product without salesy push
  • Effective inbound marketing is prolific
  • Includes personalized customer experiences
  • Reader-friendly + impactful 
  • Builds long-term relationships

I create original E-newsletters written to dazzle and provide value. 

Call on me for reliable, authentic, and transparent communication.

Today, email marketing is very much in use... In essence, it's a low-cost method for reaching clients while also aiding in the development of long-term partnerships. Here are some reasons why email marketing is still relevant.

Email marketing = Digital marketing = E-marketing = Internet marketing. Don't get confused. It's all the same.

For 2024, the necessary marketing strategy is Customer experience-driven — Customers first. This means quality content.

This means quenching the public's curious thirst.

Today businesses and consumers read and research... from everywhere

Your customers' target is vital now more than ever.
Not yours.

* Cookieless and Reversal Explained by the Pros

Content Marketing Institute: Google drops out of the Anti-Cookie campaign. What’s next? 

Forbes: The ‘Cookieless Future’ and What it Means for Marketers,

Wired: “How Companies Can Thrive in a Cookieless Future,”

I might have you covered here! Let’s chat.

Client testimonials

What people say...

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